KioskBuddy v2.0.0 is now available! πŸŽ‰

July 31, 2020
  • Blog
  • KioskBuddy v2.0.0 is now available! πŸŽ‰

We are thrilled to announce the release of KioskBuddy v2.0.0 on the App Store! πŸ₯³

It's a huge update, with a bunch of features you've all been waiting for, like support for Square Loyalty!!! Because it's such a big update, some settings on the dashboard's Settings page have been removed and/or replaced. Specifically, those settings are displaying a prompt for promo codes during checkout, displaying dining options in a prompt, displaying a text prompt on checkout, displaying an email prompt, displaying a phone number prompt, and displaying an informational prompt. Each of these are now part of our new Checkout Flow feature, which allows you to "script" the steps in your checkout process. For example, you might want to ask for a name, or a pickup time, or if the customer wants to add their loyalty account. We've gone ahead and converted these settings for you into the new Checkout Flow feature, so there's no extra work for you to set this up.

Note: But if you're still using the previous version, v1.7.0, no worries! You can find a compatible dashboard page with all of those settings here.

Let's dive into our 2 major features for this release!

  • Square Loyalty integration for your customers to earn and redeem rewards on your kiosks

  • New Checkout Flow with fully customizable steps to script out your checkout process

Square Loyalty

This was an extremely popular requested feature from you all!

If you already have a Square Loyalty program, KioskBuddy will integrate directly with your current program and customers! If you don't have a Loyalty program for your business yet, we highly recommend signing up here so that you can utilize our new feature and start rewarding your customers!

Did you know it costs you five times more to acquire new customers than it does to retain current customers? And did you know existing customers are 50% more likely to try a new product of yours as well as spend 31% more than new customers? (Source: HubSpot)

With the current unprecedented times, it's more important now than ever to have and retain your loyal customer base! Show appreciation for your regulars by rewarding them through a customer loyalty program!

Ready to try it out? If you are logged into your KioskBuddy Web Dashboard account, take a quick tour of our new Square Loyalty Integration!

New Checkout Flow

You can now completely customize the steps your customers take to finish their order, we call it a checkout flow - everything from prompting from order names, to asking for a Square Loyalty account, to monetary donations and more!


  • Completely define the order of prompts in your checkout flow

  • Create have as many checkout steps as you’d like

  • Choose from a variety of checkout step types to force certain kinds of input from your customers

Checkout Step Types

  • Text

  • Phone Number

  • Square Loyalty

  • Promo Code

  • Dining Option

  • Email

  • Monetary

  • Yes/No Question

  • Informational

  • Date

  • Time

  • Date and Time

We are always trying to empower you as a business owner to customize your kiosk to your exact needs. With this new Checkout Flow, there are use cases for all business types!

Ready to try it out? If you are logged into your KioskBuddy Web Dashboard account, take a quick tour of our new Checkout Flow feature!

As always, we’re constantly listening to your feedback to improve the app - shoot us an email at!