KioskBuddy KDS

If you're a food and beverage based business, you may consider using a Kitchen Display System (KDS) as an electronic solution over physical receipts. KioskBuddy has its own in-house KioskBuddy KDS for you to use.

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At this time, KioskBuddy KDS only sees kiosk orders. However, it's a commonly requested feature to allow KioskBuddy KDS to see all orders on the Square platform, so it's something we're working on releasing soon!

How to start KioskBuddy KDS

  1. Open KioskBuddy on your device.

  2. Ensure you are on the KioskBuddy Configuration Home Screen.

    1. If you are in Kiosk Mode, exit out of Kiosk Mode.

  3. Tap START KDS MODE button at the top to start KioskBuddy KDS.

Texting customers when order is ready

If you have a Phone Number checkout step and customers enter their phone number, you will be able to send them a text message once their order is ready. You will see the Send Text button as shown boxed in red below.

Please note, a Phone Number checkout step is required to be able to send text messages to customers. You are welcome to use our Checkout Flow feature to add this checkout step in case you don't have it already.

KioskBuddy KDS Settings

KioskBuddy KDS has a wide range of settings to help you run your kitchen efficiently!

Ticket Size

You can adjust the size of the tickets in the KDS for the font, buttons, etc. using the slider.

Sort By

You can sort your orders by Oldest first or Newest first.

Automatically print orders as they come in

Select this option to have KioskBuddy automatically print orders when new ones appear in the KDS.

Show orders made in KioskBuddy

Select this option to show orders made on any KioskBuddy kiosks.

Show the source an order came from

Select this option to show the source that an order came from.

For example, KioskBuddy, Square POS, Weebly, etc.

Show the device name an order came from

Select this option to show the device name of the kiosk that an order came from.

Show the location an order came from

Select this option to show the actual Square location that an order came from.

Show orders with no name

When this option is enabled, orders with no name will appear in the KDS.

Show order status

Select this option to show the order's current status.

By default, orders can have the status of either IN PROGRESS or COMPLETED

Show completed orders

Select this option to show all orders, including any completed ones.

Show date placed

Select this option to show the full date that the order was placed.

Show time placed

Select this option to show the specific time an order was placed.

Show passed time

Select this option to show how long it's been since the order was placed.

Show prices

Select this option to show the price of each line item in the order.

Show subtotal

Select this option to show each order's subtotal.

Show taxes

Select this option to show each order's tax total.

Show total

Select this option to show each order's total.

Play sound on new orders

Select this option to have the iPad play a sound every time a new order is placed.

Start orders in OPEN status

Select this option to add an additional order status, "OPEN".

By default, orders can have the status of either IN PROGRESS or COMPLETED.

If this option is enabled, orders will start out as OPEN, then move to IN PROGRESS, then to COMPLETED.

Mark all orders as completed

You can use the red button at the very bottom of the KDS Settings to mark all orders as completed.