Promo Codes

KioskBuddy has a built in system for promo codes, allowing customers or employees to receive discounts for purchases. Here's how to set up the Promo Codes feature.

Alternatively, if you use Square Discount Codes via Square Marketing to automatically generate promo codes for marketing campaigns, we support that in our beta version of KioskBuddy:

How to create a Promo Code

You can create a Promo Code by opening your menu in the Catalog tab of the KioskBuddy Dashboard and scrolling down to the bottom of the Menu Editor.

From there, push the Create Promo Code button as seen below in red.

A popup will appear, with some info to fill in for your new promo code.

Once you fill in all of the required info, you can push the Create button to finish up. All that's left to do now is turn on a way for the customer to type in a promo code!

How to enable Promo Code input

Once you've created a promo code, you'll want to enable the button that lets your customers try to type in the promo code. You can do this in two different ways:

1. Using a Promo Code button in the Cart

2. Using a Custom Checkout Step to ask the customer if they want to type in a promo code