KioskBuddy comes with a real-time analytics dashboard. From here, you can view your sales overview for a specific time period, giving you the power to analyze sales trends and gain insights on your business's performance.
You can use the Filters section to control all of the sales data shown on the rest of the page. For example, you might want to see the sales for a specific day or month, or you might want to get all of the sales for a specific location.
There are three options for filtering: date, location, and kiosk name. By default, the sales view is set to the current day, all locations, and any kiosk name, but you can click on any filter to show a menu for more options. For example, opening the date menu would have options for Today, Yesterday, This Week, Last Week, Last 7 Days, Last 30 Days, and Custom. These filter options let you fine tune your report to find exactly what you need.
The Overview section contains a bunch of key stats to give you a high level look at how your kiosks are performing. Each statistic is detailed below, and you can control which stat is shown by using the MORE button.
Transactions: The total number of transactions.
Subtotal: The total value of money collected, tax not included.
Taxes: The total value of taxes collected.
Tips: The total value of tip money collected.
Discounts: The total value of discounts applied to orders.
Total: The total value of revenue collected, tax included.
Average Ticket Size: The average money amount of customer orders.
Best Selling Item: The item with the highest amount of sales.
Modifier Sales: The total number of modifier sales.
Loyalty Redemption: The total number of Square Loyalty reward redemptions.
Monetary Checkout Step Total: The total value of money collected for custom monetary checkout steps.
The History section shows more detailed transaction info for all of your kiosk sales in addition to special reports for for category sales, item sales, and modifiers sales.
All data from the History section can be exported to CSV files to be brought in to external reporting systems. There are a few options for exporting, detailed below:
To export from the TRANSACTIONS table, click on DOWNLOAD TRANSACTIONS TO CSV at the bottom of the table. The following data will be included in the CSV file:
Order Name
Order Data
Number of Items
Promo Code
Transaction Client ID
Transaction ID (only for card payments)
Lastly, any custom Checkout Flow steps that you've configured
To export from the ITEM SALES table, click on DOWNLOAD ITEM SALES TO CSV at the bottom of the table. The following data will be included in the CSV file:
Number of Sales
Total Collected
To export from the ITEM SALES table to see sales grouped by location and date, click on the DOWNLOAD ITEM SALES (BY LOCATION AND DATE) TO CSV button. The following data will be included in the CSV file:
Location Name
Number of Sales
Total Collected
If you have a custom Checkout Flow step to collect customer emails, you can use the DOWNLOAD CUSTOMER EMAILS TO CSV button to get all of your customer email responses onto a CSV file. For example, you may want to import these into an external marketing system to send them an email marketing campaign. The following data will be included in the CSV file:
Transaction Date