Service fees are a special feature in KioskBuddy to add an additional charge to each order. For example, you might want to use a service fee charge to cover any expenses in creating an order for a customer, or maybe you want to offset any KioskBuddy subscription fees. The choice is up to you and you can customize how the charge shows up to the customer with the settings below, as well as whether it's a flat rate charge or a percentage charge.
DISCLAIMER: Not all states allow merchants to charge consumers with surcharges on credit card transactions. Before using this feature, check with your state's laws to make sure credit card surcharging is legal. At the time of writing this disclaimer, ten states have laws prohibiting merchants from charging consumers with surcharges on credit card transactions: California, Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Kansas, Maine, Massachusetts, New York, Oklahoma and Texas. KioskBuddy is not responsible for misuse of this functionality in the aforementioned states.
Use this setting to control a service fee for each transaction. You can set a flat rate, a percentage of the subtotal, or both. This is a separate fee from the Square processing fee if you choose to enable it.
This is a flat amount that will be added to your customer's order. This is one of two possible options for adding a service fee to an order. Note that it is capped by the service fee maximum setting.
This is a percentage amount of the customer's order total that will be added to the final total. This is one of two possible options for adding a service fee to an order. Note that it is capped by the service fee maximum setting.
Use this text field to control the text that will be displayed in the cart.