Sending Kiosk Orders to your Square POS

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  • Sending Kiosk Orders to your Square POS

KioskBuddy has the ability to push orders to Square's Order Manager, which means you can access your KioskBuddy orders from any Square app or device that shows Square Orders--this can be another iPad running Square POS, Square KDS, or Square for Restaurants. Or, it can be Square Register or Square Terminal.

We recommend using Square's Order Manager to print orders through your Square setup, instead of connecting directly to each printer with the KioskBuddy app. In this article, we will be using the Square POS app as an example, but you can choose to use any Square app or device listed above. Printing orders through your Square setup has a number of benefits:

  1. You don’t need to reconfigure printer settings for every kiosk device you set up. Simply configure it once for the Square POS.

  2. Square POS will typically have better, more consistent connection to any printers.

  3. This will allow you to use hardwired printers (e.g. USB) that are connected to the Square Stand.

  4. Receipts will match the Square POS format exactly.

  5. This will allow for support for more printer types besides Star Micronics (e.g. Epson).


One thing you'll want to do first is set up a printer station in your Square POS device for automatic printing. Open up the desired printer's settings in Square POS and enable the setting to Use this printer for online order tickets. You'll also want to enable the setting to Automatically Print New Orders. Both settings can be seen in Square POS below, boxed in red. You can also refer to Square's official help article for setting up automatic printing of online orders. That way, when and order is placed it will automatically be printed.

Enabling Square Orders in the KioskBuddy app

To set up printing to a Square POS, make sure the setting to push orders to the Orders tab of your Square POS devices is enabled. You can find this on the configuration screen just before starting kiosk mode in the optional order settings section, see screenshot below, boxed in red.

Don't forget to disable any printers you had connected previously in KioskBuddy's optional printer section, as that would print duplicate tickets (one from Square POS and one from KioskBuddy).

When you enable this setting, all orders will show up on the Orders tab of your Square POS, as seen below.

You'll also be able to tap into each order to see all of the information on the order:


Why do I see a delay in printing Square Orders?

We've talked to Square in the past on this topic, and unfortunately this is a known issue in Square POS. As it works today, orders should appear between 5 seconds to 90 seconds at worst. Square plans on improving Square POS to have all new orders appears within 10 seconds. Unfortunately, we don't have access to the timeline for these changes, but we'll be sure to keep this article up to date as we learn more!