You can connect a weight scale to KioskBuddy to help your customers purchase weight-based items. This is especially useful if you have a salad bar or maybe fresh produce to weigh–KioskBuddy will read the weight from the scale and add the item accordingly to the cart!
KioskBuddy supports all Star Micornics brand scales. For a list of supported scales, see this link.
Navigate to the Square Dashboard.
Go to your Item Library.
Push Create Item.
Select a unit under the Units section.
Set a price for the unit under Variations.
Navigate to the KioskBuddy Dashboard.
Go to Catalog.
Select your menu.
Push the edit button for your weight-based item.
If your weight-based item is not yet imported into your KioskBuddy menu, push the Reimport button. Your new weight-based item should appear under Additions. Next, deselect any changes that you do not want imported. Then, push Apply to apply the changes and bring in your new weight-based item.
5. Scroll down to Item Quantities Instructions and set the instructions that you want to appear for your customer. This will be the text that appears on the kiosk when your customer weighs an item.
You can connect your weight scale on the kiosk app configuration screen under the section Optional: Select weight scales for item quantities. To detect your scale, push the button Scan for Star Micronics Weight Scales. Once your scale is detected, it should show up with a checkbox next to it. Tap the checkbox to connect to the scale.
When a customer selects the weight-based item from the kiosk, they will see the text that you set from Item Quantities Instructions. KioskBuddy will automatically detect the weight from the scale and set the weight in the app, and the customer can add the item to their cart.